
We are a health-focused, patient-centered dental practice. We are also holistically and biologically inclined in regards to the care that we offer. Holistic because we believe that the health of the mouth and our overall health cannot be separated. Biologic because we continually strive to find new and better ways to help individuals get and stay healthy, always seeking materials and techniques that are as biocompatible as possible while at the same time providing for durability, longevity, and conservatism. If patients are going to choose the foods they eat based on their nutritional value vs only those foods that they can chew, the chewing system is of critical importance.

We are health-focused because we work with an established model of health. We know that a healthy mouth has no infection or inflammation in the gum and bone tissue around the teeth, no cracks holes or openings in the teeth that can allow bacteria to enter the tooth, and a stable chewing system where the teeth, joints, muscles and bone work in harmony together. We work with our patients to the degree that they want to get healthy and help them achieve their goals. The great news is you don’t have to be perfect. We just need to be moving toward wellness and stop the mouth from breaking down. Unlike traditional medicine, where symptoms are treated with little regard to the cause, we are focused on the cause of the problem as much as repairing it. This way when something is fixed it does not begin to break down again.

We are patient-centered because we put the patient in the middle and build the practice around them. We ask ourselves, “what kind of practice would we like our families to come to and receive care, knowing what we know today?” What has worked best is to put the patient first, team second, and the doctor third. The doctor cannot win unless the patient and team win first. This creates the triple win.

Since 2008, Dr. Bechtel has helped patients make the best decisions in their pursuit to become healthy, based on their goals and values. Utilizing the safest dental techniques and biocompatible materials, Dr. Bechtel works with each individual patient to improve overall well-being through sound oral health.

Misson & Philosophy


Our mission is to serve each patient and team member with Honesty, Integrity, Respect, and Compassion. We are dedicated to empowering our patients to take control of their dental health, stop managing symptoms and prevent chronic illness in the mouth. We offer care that is Holistic and Biologic so as to connect the health of the mouth with the rest of the body through the use of materials and techniques that are minimally invasive and as biocompatible as possible.


“I believe that each individual is divinely inspired and is therefore of infinite worth and has unlimited potential. That being said, I also believe that health is of infinite value and it is a choice. My mission is to serve each one of our patients with Honesty, Integrity, Respect and Compassion. We are dedicated to empowering our patients to take control of their dental health, stop managing symptoms and prevent chronic disease in the mouth.  Our goal is to offer excellence in Holistic and Biologic Care a low volume, private care environment that is characterized by individual relationships between myself, the members of my team, and the patient. These relationships are built on trust and shared goals. Holistic because the health of the mouth and the health of the body are connected and forever joined. They cannot be separated. Biologic, in that we continue to seek and find better ways to help individuals get and stay healthy utilizing materials and techniques that are biocompatible and provide longevity, durability, and are as minimally invasive as possible. I believe when given accurate information and the right support in a nurturing environment, people will make choices that have a positive impact on their oral health. Through exploring the wants and the needs of the patient, we will help co-discover and co-create a unique Master Plan, specific for that patient, which will MINIMIZE the amount of dentistry the patient will need throughout their lifetime. Every person has the freedom to choose the type of care that is going to be best for them. Preservation of the chewing system is critical if we are going to be able to choose the foods we eat based on their nutritional importance versus only choosing foods based on our ability to eat them. We want to help our patients reach their goals!”

~Dr. Jonathan J. Bechtel

Our Core Values

Health Centered: Giving guidance and care that is designed to help serve the needs of others by allowing them to live a life absent from any signs or symptoms of disease.

Holistic: Treating the whole person in regards to their health, the mouth and the body are interconnected and not just treating the mouth or teeth as a separate issue.

Biologic: Offering care in terms of materials and techniques that are minimally invasive, durable, and as biocompatible with the body as possible.

Wellness Focused: Guiding people with the correct information so as to allow them to make good choices for their own health and well-being.

Dental Health Coaching: A partnership in managing health, not disease. A dentist that listens to what you want for yourself and why, guides you to understand the benefits of health and supports your desire for change to get the results you want.

Honesty: Being concerned with the well-being of others enough to be truthful with them and give them correct information.

Integrity: To be honest, truthful, straightforward, and just and fair.  Doing the right thing when no one else is watching, but knowing that God is watching and knowing you want to honor and love him with your decisions.

Respect: Allowing others to make their own decisions and choices about what is going to be best for them in a non-judging manner and supporting them in those decisions.

Compassion:  Seeing others and treating and loving them as though we were looking at ourselves in a mirror.  Treating other human beings with empathy and concern for their well-being.